Swimsuit Edition Cover
Since the cover model is always kept under wraps before ineveitably being catpulted to superstar status , I figured I’d set some odds for who’s likely to grace the cover this year.
Melissa was an SI rookie last year and has stayed relatively quiet since, but she’s from Ohio and gets a free spot on my list.
A 2-year veteran, Tori brings the tomboy look to the table and almost looks believable with a surfboard. She’s got a chance if the editors want to go with the All-American California girl look.
Australian model Jessica Gomes was a rookie last year whose exotic look (Singaporean Chinese / Portuguese if you’re wondering) made her a hit. I think it might be enough to catapult her to cover-status, but if so it’d likely be a shared-effort.
Yes, her. I wanted to keep her off the list, but I think it’s likely that SI will make the type of decision that everyone makes in this economy - the safe one.
A 2-year veteran, she just has the look of an SI Cover Model. She’s also begun to make a name for herself, mostly for dating Leonardo DiCaprio, but hey whatever it takes to make the press.
Why is she the most likely to be on the cover of the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition? Because she’s easily the hottest of all the options, including Marisa Miller. Nuff said.
So there you have it, the ladies I deemed worthy of predicting odds for this year’s SI Swimsuit Cover. Let me know in the comments section your thoughts on why I’m wrong or who should be on the list. If you liked this, you’ll probably also like my post from last year
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