تازه ترين مجموعه لایسنس کی برای محصولات کاسپرسکی Fresh Collection of keys for products Kaspersky

تازه ترين مجموعه لایسنس کی برای محصولات کاسپرسکی     Fresh Collection of keys for products Kaspersky

Keys for Kaspersky - Fresh Collection of keys for products Kaspersky on 20/05/2010

In this archive includes the keys to the following products:
»Kaspersky Internet Security 6
»Kaspersky Internet Security 7
»Kaspersky Internet Security 8
»Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5
»Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6
»Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7
»Kaspersky Anti-Virus 8
»Kaspersky Anti-Virus 9
»Kaspersky OpenSpace Security
»Kaspersky Anti-Virus for WKS & FS
»Kaspersky Internet Gateway
»Kaspersky OpenSpace Security

Installing Fix'a:
1. Open KAV / KIS.
2. Click on "Settings" (upper right corner of the window KAV / KIS).
3. Go to "Options", uncheck "daw" on the option "Enable self-protection" and click "OK". On the pop-up window with the message that the protection is disabled, do not pay attention and do it not alone! Self-protection is turned off in order to allow spoofing of files in a directory with KAV / KIS, otherwise the program will not allow it to do.
4. Then quit KAV / KIS (just completed, and not turn it into the tray, be sure to check it!). Exit the program you can click on the icon in the tray of the program right mouse button and selecting Punt "Exit."
5. Unpack the archive folder "Skin" in the directory with the installed KAV / KIS and request that the folder / files already exist and whether they should rewrite the answer in the affirmative.
6. Then run KAV / KIS, open the window and click on "Settings".
7. Go to "Options", select "daw" on the option "Enable self-defense" and click "OK".

Installing Fix'a completed and you can proceed to process activation file-key.

Enabling file-key after the installation Fix'a:
1. Open KAV / KIS.
2. Click on the link "License" at the bottom.
3. If you already have the key, then you should delete it by clicking on the red "X" to the right of the key in the window manager's license and are prompted to confirm removal of the key, answer "Yes". If the key is not previously installed, then skip to step 4.
4. Click on "Activate a new license."
5. Select "Activate using the key, and click" Next. "
6. In the line "Key file, click Browse, select the file-key. If a key is not blocked and is designed for this version of KAV / KIS, you will get a message that activation was successful. Click "Finish" and then in the previous window, click Close.

That's it, Fix installed, the program KAV / KIS is activated, respectively, anti-virus, you can close the window.
Fix provided "as is" and the author does not assume any responsibility for possible damage caused to your copy of KAV / KIS or computer!

Download the fix, which allows to activate KIS & KAV 2010 files, key
Keys for Kaspersky [20.05.2010]

Keys for Kaspersky 

Keys for Kaspersky 

Keys for Kaspersky 

Keys for Kaspersky 

Keys for
 Kaspersky [20.05.2010]

Keys for
 Kaspersky [20.05.2010]

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